API Integration

API Virtualization
Seamlessly Integrate Legacy and Modern Applications | Hybrid Cloud Integrations | Secure API Abstraction
Virtualize and Modernize
- Integrate to any Cloud API without writing code
- Instantly modernize legacy services
- Seamlessly apply protocol and message translation
- Enable identity and authentication, MFA, and SSO
- Convert SOAP Services to REST APIs
- Achieve FIPS 140-2 compliance
- Achieve IPv6 compliance

Enable Modern API Access to Legacy Applications
Leverage Forum Sentry and the multitude of embedded capabilities to allow applications and services to be instantly modernized by providing a logical API abstraction layer of Forum Sentry which can provide the translation capabilities to seamless enable your legacy systems and applications to be able to use modern authentication such as SAML and OAuth, and also to be able to present modern APIs where the data is translated automatically.
Mediation and Transformation
Convert message formats XML, JSON, SOAP, HTML, CSV, FILE Granular data mapping XSLT Processing
Attribute Mapping and Extraction
HTTP Headers Request/Response Message Content (XML, JSON, etc) IdM Repositories (LDAP, AD, etc), Databases, APIs
Protocol Mixing
In-Line conversion of protocols TLS 1.3 HTTP, SFTP, AMQP JMS Database

2-Factor Authentication (2FA) Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Multi-context Authentication (MCA)
Flow Control
Dynamic remote routing Remote system failover Load balancing Redirects
Encoding, Digests, and Strings
BASE64, URL, Hex, Binary Extensible encoding processing URI and Data rewriting
Auditing and Logging
Transaction audit trail Machine Learning log format
Would you like to learn more?
Contact us for more information or to schedule a live demonstration.