Cisco AXG Replacement

Replace your Cisco AXG Gateway

Lower Cost and Increase Capability

Built-in support for all Cisco AXG Gateway critical business features

  1. 100% of business critical functionality will be supported without disruption
  2. Your API solution will be secured by FIPS 140-2 and NDPP compliant API Security Gateway Technology and better protect you from cyber-attacks
  3. No changes will be required on the client-side or server-side
  4. 5 year ROI will be lower than your current solution

Seamless Replacement, No Business Disruption

Forum Sentry is a leading API Gateway technology and provides the full suite of capabilities of the Cisco AXG Gateway with built-in support for all critical business product features of the Cisco AXG Gateway.

With any Forum Sentry replacement purchase, our team will assist in the migration effort and ensure seamless switch to Forum Systems technology with no business disruption.